Friday, November 12, 2010

Changed to Personal Blog!

Okay just letting you guys know that I now am writing a personal blog rather than a research blog focused on running. I made this change because I didn't really see the benefit of continuing on with a research blog, when in the end the whole class is now doing the same kind of final paper. I'm probably going to still focus on my topic of running just now at a more personal perspective.

Okay as you know, I LOVE to run, it's a passion of my and also one of my favorite sports, well running in track that is.  I actually used to run track in high school, and was fairly good, making it to state both years (I don't want to come across as conceited), but after two grueling years, freshman and sophomore years, I was getting burnt out.  I prayed that I wouldn't be voted captain for the next year, just so it wouldn't be as hard telling the coach that I wasn't going to be participating in track anymore, but what do ya know, I was. Don't get me wrong it was a honor be voted captain for my junior year, but now this either meant that I go through another year of what I considered to be agony at the time or I tell the coach before the next track season and feel bad about letting everyone down.

My mom always told me that sometimes I have to do what's best for me, if something is making me unhappy than I have to make that change. In this case it came to quitting track.  When spring finally rolled around I was still feeling the same feelings and I had to tell the coach my final decision. It was super hard, and I could see the sadness in him, my family and many others.  They all felt that I had so much potential, but I felt that if I wasn't enjoying it like I enjoyed soccer than I didn't think I was be as successful as I could be.  Also I would finally have a social life again. I was able to see my friends way more than I did before and wasn't super busy with two back to back sports (I also played soccer).

I still continued to run on my own. I have always loved it, just with track I reached the point of exhaustion. My mom also runs along with many of her eight siblings and I hope to run marathons like she has.  Running is enjoyable to me when I can just go on my own and think my own thoughts. It really it a great stress reliever and great exercise as well.

Now I'm finally getting to the point that this story has been leading too. After two years of not running track I had been constantly thinking about it. My dad of course always had wanted me to continue on with the sport and was greatly disappointed when I stopped.  I was starting to miss the competitiveness of track, even though I had soccer too, it just wasn't the same kind of competing. 

This past summer before college the thought of track was constantly on my mind. When I came to college and saw all the athletes together, it really made me miss being part of a team and competeing.  Around October I finally made the decision to walk on to the track team. I talked with the head coach quite a few times, went through a ton of paper work, and finally after about a three week process I had my first practice with the team.  It went pretty well I kept up in the pack and all the girls were extremely nice. Little did I know that one of my good friends here at the U that I met was also walking, but she is more for the cross country part (long distance track girls and cross country run together throughout the year since we both focus on longer distances). I was super excited to have her, and we kind of lean on each other through this new step in our lives.

I am loving every day of it so far, yes some times it's hard to motivate my self, but after, when I push my self real hard it feels great and I feel like I have accomplished something great! I can't wait it to finally start competing. Joining track here at the U has made me so excited for what's to come and actually more focused in school! I hope everything continues to go well with track and I'm sure it will if I continue to be optimistic and have a positive attitude. :)

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